Are the Covington students at fault?

By Staff Writer Benjamin Pfeffer.

This year the March for Life went on, as usual, on January 18. However, at the same time, the Indigenous Peoples March was happening.

The media captured a confrontation between a young teen/group of young teens from Covington Catholic High School and a native American elder, Nathan Phillips.

The confrontation showed a group of young teens, with one teen in front, in “Make America Great Again” hats there for the March for Life standing face to face with Native American elder Nathan Phillips who was there for the Indigenous Peoples March.

The teens can be seen smirking and laughing in front of the elder as he played a drum and sang.

The video, combined with the false information that Nathan Phillips served in Vietnam, inevitably received harsh criticism towards the teens.

There is strong hatred towards Trump and his supporters and the teens were being disrespectful to a Vietnam veteran, who happened to be Native American, which did not go well with the hats.

Covington students were shamed by the majority of the world and even their hometown. They received punishments from the school and from the media. The entire country seemed against the teens for this act, even with little evidence against them besides a laugh and a smirk.

While they were disrespectful, they were not showing signs of hate or racism.
However, there was quite a bit of misleading information in this story to make the teens look like the only people in the wrong in this situation.

It later surfaced that Phillips had never served in Vietnam, but Phillips misled the people to make it seem like he did.

This ended up making the Native American elder look less credible, and proved that he too could be in the wrong.

Also, allegedly, there were protestors screaming profanity at the teens just for wearing the “Make America Great Again” hats and attending the march.

This was an extreme error by the media to make the kids wearing the “Make America Great Again” hats look bad. It should have been clear that there was something wrong with this due to the obvious lack of evidence and how much of a victim the veteran was.
Before this new information even released, Lexington’s Catholic Bishop, John Stowe, attempted to disconnect the relation between Trump and the pro-life movement.
He stated, “without engaging the discussion about the context of the viral video or placing the blame entirely on these adolescents, it astonishes me that any students participating in a pro-life activity on behalf of their school and their Catholic faith could be wearing apparel sporting the slogans of a president who denigrates the lives of immigrants, refugees and people from countries that he describes with indecent words and haphazardly endangers with life-threatening policies.”

Stowe’s attempt to disconnect Trump from the pro-life movement does show us that they do not go hand-in-hand.

I do believe that these teens still think their race and culture are superior to everyone else’s and their parents and teachers need to work to fix that, but this video shows very little against the teens.

This whole situation reminds me of an event called “Two Minutes Hate” from George Orwell’s 1984, but in a modern society.

In the book, the citizens had to show hate toward a common enemy, Emmanuel Goldstein, at an event they had to attend daily, to reinforce into their head who the enemy is, even when they had the wrong enemy.

The powerful side was trying to drill a common enemy into the head of the people to unite them against someone/something.

A couple months ago, I wrote an article about microchip implants leading us towards an Orwellian nightmare, now this.

I am afraid that we are on our way to Orwell’s perfectly imperfect dystopia.


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