Sustainable Movie Series presents the Bee Movie

By Contributing Writer Caroline Quirk

Yes, you heard right, the Sustainable Movie Series presents The Bee Movie on Wednesday, February 19 at 6pm in library room 207.  

The family favorite, meme making, movie, starring Jerry Seinfeld as a talking bee, certainly will not disappoint. If you want a good laugh or a fun break from your long day of homework, come join in the fun. 

Not only is The Bee Movie undeniably hilarious, but it also sheds light on a serious environmental issue. Bees are crucial to the health of our planet. Not only are bees vital to the ecosystem, but without them we would be in serious trouble. 

A whopping 80% of the US crop are said to be dependent on honeybees. This includes a significant amount of fruits, vegetables, and crops used for cattle feed. Without bees to pollinate those plants, humans could essentially starve.  

Barry the bee makes this issue prominent through his longing for a better, more meaningful life in harmony with humans. This film will certainly satisfy your need to laugh and open your eyes to one of the most important environmental issues facing our ecosystem. 

In case you missed it, the Sustainable Movies Series presented, Food Choices, a documentary exposing the biggest secrets in your food choices. The film encompassed the dangers in our choices of food on the environment and our own health. 

Amanda Harlfinger, a Green Navigator, business major, class of 2020 spoke afterward about the movie, “it gives you a lot to think about the next time you sit down and eat a burger”. The groundbreaking film left everyone thinking about ways to change their diet for the better. 

As seen in Food Choices a change of diet to plant based is a healthy and environmentally friendly choice in which could benefit anyone. Make a change this new year, and join the Green Navigators February 19 for The Bee Movie. 

You can look forward to these sustainable movies: 

  • Serengeti Rules Feb 26 at 6pm Library 207 
  • Breakthrough at 6pm March 25 Library 207 
  • Ice Age April 8 at 6pm Library 207 
  • Before the Flood April 22 at 6pm Library 207 
  • The Lorax April 24 at 6pm Library 207 



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